Our Research

We are developing enabling biotechnologies to realize the largely untapped potential of glycans for immunological discovery and therapeutic translation.

Our work is highly interdisciplinary, integrating approaches from synthetic biology, systems biology, immunology, and biological engineering.

Systems Glycoimmunology

We want to understand: which glycans influence the immune system and in which contexts?

While we know that glycan structures are altered in disease, the precise identities of glycans that drive pathology through immune modulation are largely unknown.

We are engineering platforms to discover immunomodulatory glycans in primary human samples. This work promises to fill key knowledge gaps in human immunobiology and inform design of glycan-targeted immunotherapies.

Translational Glycoimmunology

Glycans profoundly influence immune responses, representing attractive targets for immunotherapy. However, the vast majority of glycans cannot be targeted with existing therapeutic modalities.

We are developing new molecular classes of immunotherapies that block or simulate glycan binding to address therapeutic needs in cancer, infection, and autoimmunity.

We gratefully acknowledge current & prior support from

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